Monday, August 10, 2009

Alright, here is the roommate challenge for Sunday:

Total of 175 pushups, here is how I did them, but anything with this approximate breakdown is fine:

30 feet elevated pushups
30 "Senator Larry Craig" wide stance pushups
10 hand clap pushups
10 triangle pushups
25 more feet elevated pushups
25 more Larry Craigs
20 more regular
15 more regular
10 more regular

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tom Completes Day 1 (sort of)

Challenge 1: Bernal Heights

The details: Run up Bernal Heights. If you keep following the path at the top of the hill, you will come to an iron gate. On the right side of the gate, I have attached an envelope with the keyword. Memorize the contents. Run down to the playground (right around 26th and Alabama) and do 10 pull-ups. Send me an email.

God speed.

My experience as a plaintif on wecourt

I was never one for laws and rules. That's why it pained me to have to be such a stickler when Tom stole my pog. But wecourt made the judicial process so utterly painless. I could throw my full vengence upon that little liar without looking like a total poon law-lover. By leaving the decision to our collective Internet friends, I saved face and had a blast even though I lost miserably.

Roommate Challenge - Bring the intensity

Friday, August 7, 2009

It begins...

Tomorrow is Day 1 of the roommate challenge. Tom, you are in charge of writing a musical score. We are definitely going to need shirts, buttons, and livestrong-like bracelets. Good luck.